Choosing Friends In College And Organizing Them In The Category Of A Tree

Choosing Friends is an important role toward your college experience and future. According to the dictionary, a friend is ''a person you know well and regard with affection and trust.’’

The people you choose to spend most of your time with will either make or break you. Like the saying goes,''Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are.’’If you hang out with a group of people who are dishonest, into gangs and drugs, or often cut class, their traits will eventually rub off on you somewhat. It all comes down to one thing peer pressure.

It's either your down with their actions or your just not cool enough for them.

One thing I learned in life is that you don't just go around seeking friends. Stumbling upon a true friend is very rare today. Friendship is like a train, numerous people will ride it, most will get off earlier than others, but only a few will stay until the last stop. Choosing friends is not all about looks. It’s mainly about character traits and morals.

I actually learned this lesson the hard way. I was very harsh and picky when it came to choosing friends. I always use to pay less attention to the most important qualities such as personality. Instead I was so busy looking at how the person dressed, who they hung out with? Were they ''popping’’ or pretty etc., leaving all the positive intentions behind. Comes to find out that at the end of the day, 99.9 percent of those people I thought were my true friends was fake and unloyal all along. Yes we had our good moments, but at the end... when it started getting heated and I began to go through the rough difficult moments. I looked beside me and where were they? anywhere but there holding my hand, telling me everything is going to be ok.

I learned that friendship is not just about fun and games. It takes a long process to develop. Don’t ever rush yourself to believe the person you often spend most of your time with is your true friend. The main reason that person might still be around is not because they care, but because they’re curious. But my advice to you when choosing friends IS SIMPLE…

  • Don’t assume everyone you come across in life will become a good friend of yours because they have done you good a few times, have a great personality or share mutual interest with you. Getting the opportunity to meet that type of person is just the beginning of the friendship building process. Believe it or not, but the majority of people in your life are only associates or Acquaintances.
  • Don’t rush when choosing friends or you’ll likely end up labeling an associate as a friend. Keep in mind that there is a thin line between associates and friends. Confusing an associate for a friend will leave you in a dreadful state later on.
  • Avoid been around negative people who will only put you down or pressure you to get involved with drugs, or go to a party on the night of an important exam, etc., Instead choose friends that will have a positive effect toward your life. Ones with solid character traits like honesty, intelligence, loyalty, dedication willingness, etc. Ones you share mutual interest with. When you find that person, cherish and seek camaraderie within them for they are a gift in your life.

When choosing friends, avoid trying to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself. Let yourself be known and accepted for your own merits, rather than for being somebody that you’re not. Remember to treat others with kindness and respect. This type of positive attitude will make people want to be more open around you, giving you a greater opportunity to make new friends who share your interest. This is a major goal when choosing friends.

Important Characteristics To Seek When Choosing Friends

  • Trustworthy - In every aspect of a relationship, I believe that trust is the foundation layer of a relationship pyramid. When trust exists in a relationship, there are no contradictions or discrepancies in thoughts, words, or actions. Once it's broken, that pyramid will never stand the same again, despite how you try to reconstruct it. Instead every other layer such as loyalty,respect, or willingness,etc stacked on top of trust will collapse too.
  • Loyalty –You need a friend who will ride and die for you. One who will bail you out of jail and stand by you as everyone else walks out the door during difficult moments. Without loyalty in a friendship you lose value of your friend and might restrain yourself from being a true friend.

Without trust and loyalty you lose the comfort of telling each other anything, and you lose the feeling of knowing that person will always stand by you.

  • Communication-

Great verbal communication is important because it is what makes too people become comfortable around each other. Without a two-way communication, that friendship will not last or even exist to begin with. This principle enables trust and getting to understand each other more.

  • Good Sense Of Humor- Who don’t enjoy been around someone joyful and full of it?
  • Being a good listener
  • Empathy
  • Tact
  • Respect
  • Kindness
  • Supportive

by Megan Lowe via Everyone's ADM Blog Posts - Automotive Digital Marketing


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