5 Habits that will transform your small business into a highly successful one

If you have been to a wholesale market, you must have noticed that 4-5 out of hundreds of shop draw maximum number of customers, while the rest are doing just average. Why do some people excel, while others, despite selling the same product fare poorly? I have done extensive research, and came up with 5 habits that are essential to have if one wants to turn a mediocre business into a highly successful one.

#1- If you are starting a business, have a clear picture of where you want to be at the end of a certain time period. Divide your goal into smaller, achievable parts, and work relentlessly to complete each part in time. If you have a clear vision of your business, make a plan to achieve it. Involve everyone in your team to work towards the same goal. Your belief in your vision will inspire your team to work hard to realize that goal.

#2- Put your vision on paper that is you must have a practical model of procedures to be followed. They must be clear to everyone in your team, and every member must know what is expected of them and how should they do it. Watch closely the systems of successful ventures and learn from them. Procedure should be delineated in such clear terms that if someone needs to be replaced, he can be easily replaced by a new person who will perform the functions in the same efficient manner.

#3- Learn what your employee can do, and what he cannot do, and change his duties accordingly. You must develop entrepreneurial skills. Knowing everything about the product is not the end of the road. You must develop financial, marketing, management and customer satisfaction skills to be highly successful.

#4- Love your customer. It is because of him that you are in the business. Try to give him what he wants, and not what you think is the best for him. Give him the best possible experience when he is dealing with you. He should remember you as a trusted, experienced and valued advisor.

#5- Never stop thinking. Business requires you to be always on the move, thinking ahead of your rivals. Keep track of what others are doing and what is the experience customer getting at rival’s place. Compare it with the experience customer is getting at your place. Plan a surprise for the customer for the customer every few days and keep him guessing.

And, If you are student and want to start your own business you need to do a lot of efforts, nothing falls from the sky. Sometimes you need to choose: University or business. And if you want to be successful in both places you can order essay online. So, you will have a good mark in University and time for business.

by CharlesDonnell via Everyone's ADM Blog Posts - Automotive Digital Marketing


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