Fixing up Your Classic? How to Make Sure Your Car Runs Better Than Ever

Restoring a classic car is a fun project for anyone who enjoys automotive work. Not only does it give you the chance to bring a great car back to life, but it also affords you an opportunity to make that car better than it ever was before by making improvements to the factory design. Here are four great ways to make your car run better than ever while you’re working on its restoration.


Improve Engine Cooling with a Better Radiator and Hoses

One of the most important factors in how well your car’s engine runs is how well it is cooled. Though stock cooling systems do well enough, they can be upgraded to provide more efficient heat transfer. A high-efficiency aluminum radiator with braided stainless steel hoses can greatly increase your car’s ability to dissipate heat from the engine. This, in turn, will prevent your engine from maintaining excess heat when it is pushed into higher horsepower ranges.


Supercharge or Turbocharge Your Engine

If raw horsepower is what you want out of your improved classic car, the best way to get it is to add a supercharger or turbocharger to your engine. These devices, which boost compression in order to maximize engine output, will add considerably to your car’s overall power. Be sure to carefully check into what units are right for your particular engine, as there are different chargers for each individual variety of engine.


Improve Your Air Intake

Air intakes make a small but still noticeable difference to the overall power of your engine. Building an open air or cold air intake onto your engine is a relatively simple way to improve its power. Most sellers of vintage American car parts also sell aftermarket air intake parts and cleaners that can be added to your engine. The right air intake system can also make your car look better under the hood when you show it off at your next car show.


Make Your Ride Smoother with a Better Suspension

Although it doesn’t directly affect how well your engine runs, your car’s suspension has a huge impact on how comfortable you are when driving it. Replacing your factory suspension with an upgraded system that will absorb more of the shock from uneven roads can make your ride much smoother, especially if you plan to drive your classic car long distances from time to time.


These are just a few of the upgrades you can undertake to make your car better than when it rolled off the factory floor. Making one or more of these improvements as you restore your classic car can ensure that you’ll love it more than ever when you’re finished.

by Lizzie Weakley via Everyone's ADM Blog Posts - Automotive Digital Marketing


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