How To Keep Your Car Clean During The Winters

You might think that keeping your car clean through the winters may not be worth all the troubles as you are simply going to pick up more dirt and damage over time. However, you must also realize that leaving the wet, salty residue of slush on your vehicle can corrode its paint and bodywork.

So, if you want to keep your car’s resale value intact, you should strive to keep it as damage free as possible. The below tips can help.

1. Use preventative waxing

One of the primary areas where your car needs protection from road salt is the paintwork.

To make sure your car doesn’t suffer any real damage in the long term, it’s best to use a polymer sealant or a quality wax as a means of protection against the corrosive nature of the salt.

A good waxing should last around 3 months at most. Hence, it is advisable to execute this process in late autumn because it’s easier to do in warmer conditions than the bitterly cold months of the winter.

2. Use rubber mats inside your vehicle

When the weather’s bad on the outside, there can be a buildup of slushy, salty water that can get over your shoes and inside your vehicle.

This may not only ruin the looks of your carpet but may also act as corrosive agents attacking the steel bodywork of your car.

You can easily avoid these problems by opting for rubber mats instead of carpets inside your vehicle.

3. Use a tyre dressing for keeping your tyres clean

With wheels and tyres coming in constant contact with abrasive elements like the road, slush, snow, and salt, they can be a prime candidate for problems and damage during the cold period.

It’s therefore advisable to go for a tyre dressing that can help a lot in keeping your tyres clean by forming a protective barrier around them.

Note: To apply the dressing, simply clean your tyres and wheels, and paint a liberal coating around them, leaving them to dry for ten to fifteen minutes at a stretch.

4. Pay particular attention to chips and scratches on the bodywork

When you are focusing on your vehicle bodywork, make sure to pay careful attention to scratches or chips in the paint as these can quickly become the focal centers of corrosion, becoming a localized problem leading to dirty marks and degradation in the long run.

You may either touch up the paint yourself or wax the problematic areas as an ideal interim measure.

5. Use a snow foam

You may not have heard a lot about snow foam, but this viscous soap enables you to get rid of most of the filth and grime created as a result of adverse weather conditions.

You may apply the foam to your vehicle through means of a snow foam lance and then keep it in place for some time before rinsing it off.

**For more general tips on car cleaning and maintenance, refer to the infographic below.

Source- Visually [Created by Plates4Less]

by Kent Charlie via Everyone's ADM Blog Posts - Automotive Digital Marketing


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