3 Things You’ll Need When You Restore Your Classic Car

The hard work you put into restoring your classic car can only be matched by the pride you feel when you finally get to show off the finished product. Of course, to be able to show it off effectively, there are a few important things you’ll need. Without these, while you can still enjoy your car for yourself, it will be hard to spread that enjoyment to others.

Car Care Products

To keep your classic car looking great, it’s important to have a wide variety of car cleaning chemicals to give your car that “new car shine.” from wax to polish to tire shine, to ensure your car looks its best, you’ve got to give it the best treatment. When you try a new product, it’s important that you test it on an inconspicuous area on the car to ensure that it doesn’t damage or discolor the surface you’re cleaning. While this is a common warning on cleaning chemicals, it’s especially important on classic cars that may have a large amount of custom or unusual material on the interior and exterior.

Car Trailer

If you’re planning on taking your car to shows, it’s a good idea to invest in a car trailer to prevent the wear and tear your car would otherwise receive. Especially if the show is a good distance away, a trailer can provide a good deal of safety and convenience and ensure your car arrives at the show looking just as good as it did when it left your driveway. Just as important as the trailer is the installation of heavy duty mud flaps on the vehicle you plan to tow the trailer with, as that will help prevent rocks and other debris from flying up and potentially damaging your car.

Car Cover

Of course, the ideal place to keep your restored car is in a garage. Sometimes, though, that’s not an option, so the next best option is a quality car cover. Carefully measure your vehicle prior to purchasing a cover to ensure you get a cover that is sized correctly. This will help ensure that the cover stays on the car, even during inclement weather. In some cases, you can even get a custom-made car cover, which could be useful if you’ve made major modifications to your car.


Throughout the car restoration process, the most important component is always patience. This requirement continues even after you finish the restoration, as you will occasionally encounter unexpected circumstances with your vehicle that require immediate attention. Remaining patient during these unforeseen problems will help you enjoy and appreciate your vehicle far more than you would if you were always stressed and frustrated about these issues.

by Brooke Chaplan via Everyone's ADM Blog Posts - Automotive Digital Marketing


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